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4th Italian-Spanish-Portuguese Workshop on the Molecular Biology and Biophysics of Ion Channels and Transporters
17 octubre 2013 | 00:00 - 19 octubre 2013 | 21:00 CEST
Dear friends and colleagues,
I am happy to announce the opening of the registration period for the 4th Italian-Hispano-Portuguese Workshop on the Molecular Biology and Biophysics of Ion Channel and Transporters. The meeting will take place next October (17-19) in the beautiful island of Mallorca (Spain). Details about the meeting, registration process and submission of abstracts can be found at (https://channels2013.inscribete.es).
This international symposium is open to anyone interested in mechanisms of ion transport, specially young investigators. The meeting provides a forum for discussion of their results in a friendly but rigorous environment. From past editions, we received very good feedback from participants and we are convinced that this year will be also an attractive meeting for those attending.
We made a huge effort to keep the registration fees to a minimum. The all inclusive fee of 285€ covers full board and two nights accommodation, plus an attractive list of lectures by first class international speakers. Mallorca is very well communicated, with direct flights to and from most European airports.
The workshop is structured around long talks by senior researchers combined with shorter presentations by young scientists attending the meeting. We also have two poster sessions and social activities within the meeting venue, a beautiful hotel by the seaside.
The initial registration period and submission of abstracts is open until the 31st of July. Space is limited to 50 attendants. In the past, we reached maximum capacity rapidly. Thus, I encourage you to register early. You can pay on-line using your credit card. After this deadline, we will only admit new participants if free slots are still available.
A small number of travel grants (250€ each) will be awarded to junior participants. If you are interested in applying to one of these awards please send an e-mail to felix.viana@umh.es detailing your need. No requests will be considered before on-line registration and submission of abstracts is completed.
I would we grateful if you could pass this information along to colleagues, specially to young researchers, potentially interested in participating. Myself and the rest of the organizing committee look forward to meeting you or your colleagues in Mallorca this autumn.
See you soon / Hasta pronto / Ci vediamo presto / Até breve
Félix Viana